Customer Testimonials

This isn't an enquiry, it is a statement to say I have never been given great customer service before in New Zealand, so I want to thank all the guys/gals at for the best service and outstanding care and for getting my product to me so fast.

Dwayne Ormsby, Palmerston North


I just want to let you know how happy I am with the service you provided for me. I found your staff very friendly and extremely helpful. I will be telling my friends and family about the great service I received and am very happy to have another layby again sometime soon. A special thanks as well for the person who made it possible for my partner to receive his voucher on fathers day. The layby wasn’t meant to be sent for 5-10 days but it arrived by courier a day after the final payment which made it for fathers day. Again thank you very much.

Tina Martin, Levin


Just writing to say thank you. Was easy as, and the phone arrived quicker than I thought it would. Would definitely recommend for others to use this site, and will use again myself. Thanks again.

Luke Prisk, Johnsonville.


Hi, thanks so much for the awesome scooter. My son loved it. Thanks for delivering it in record time. I was really impressed with the scooter. I'll definitely be shopping with My Layby again. I'm already looking to see what I can buy for xmas, and thanks for the shopping voucher - magic.

Melissa Wells, Glendowie


Hi My Layby team, I just wanted to say a big thank you. I've been getting stuff from you guys for the last few years and every time I do an order, the service your team provides seems to get better and better. Everyone I've spoken to by phone has always been friendly and helpful and if there have been any issues with products I've ordered they've notified me and have been extremely helpful with other options in regards to products no longer available. I look forward to my placing my next order when I've finished with my current one. Thank you again for making things so easy.

Shell P, Napier


Hi, thank you for the washing machine - great service and delivery :)

Alice F, Mt Albert


Thank you thank you. My Masport Lawn Mower has arrived just in time for my husband's birthday. Yay. One happy customer. Cheers,

Ana L, Totaravale


Hi there, I received my products last week and am very happy with them, thank you so much!!

Joanne B, Gulf Harbour

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